Our Team
Tralayne Davis,
A Tacoma native who enjoys family, Tralayne has a big laugh and a welcoming smile. Her goal is to ensure people feel accepted for how and who they are. She is a straight shooter, no-nonsense communicator, but wraps it with a tone of respect and dignity. Married with children, educated, confident, she looks for ways to be a better person.
She believes JMC can be known as the place for children to feel safe and loved.
Toni-Shrae Daniels
Transport Manager
Favorite Quote: "History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children."
- Nelson Mandela
Aryn Lai
BRS Case Manager
Fun Fact: Works hard so my dog can have a better life!
Taupale Lotu
Fun Fact: Named after my grandmother who was the princess of our village back home on our island and I am 1 of 13 children, a very well-blended family.
Ariana Farmer
CPA Case Manager
Favorite Quote: “No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness, and generosity hidden in the soul of a child.”
-Emma Goldman
Mavis Turner
BRS Program Manger
Favorite Quote: "It might be temporary, but the impact lasts a lifetime."
- Foster Care Truths